
ART 64 Design──六四設計──是台灣在地的銀飾設計品牌,於2002年成立,期許藉由金工技術開創一個與眾不同的飾品空間、呈現新鮮的創意與優質的設計銀飾,向愛好設計與手工飾品的人們分享生活的美好與創意。

ART64取名來自「對成功的藝術家Art Successful的聯想」,「ART」述說的是藝術與技術的結合;「64」表達的表達的是一個目標:開創64個融合藝術人文與商業的空間。


About ART64 Founded in Taipei Taiwan since 2002.During the first year company main business was manufactured ordinary jewelry. Today ART64 started to enter the international jewelry related business markets.

Brand Concept ART64's trademark was design with unique motifs and genuine. ART64 has always followed its bold intuition and novel idea. Our mission was combination of artistic design and skillful handicraft with commercial value.